Our life today is a sum of the choices we made in the past. In Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well”.

Harmony is said to mean agreement, accord, and single unity. If we turn to ourselves in pursuit of harmony, then it is inner tranquility, peace of mind, ease, joy. That special feeling which makes us brim over with positive emotions, break down our own borders and barriers, and flood the world with the happiness we feel; that urge to rush towards a person we love, smile at strangers and offer a helping hand to our fellow humans! Harmony is the path walked toward ourselves…
Being in harmony with the outside world requires first and foremost that you look into your soul openly and honestly. Then dust misshapen understandings off all tiny shelves and nooks in there. Water the plants with care and pull back the curtains to let the warm sunshine in. Throw away everything broken and polish all things in good condition until they shine. And only then look through the window and see how beautiful and harmonious the world is. All the richness and love and hope made lucid by your clean mind. Harmonious persons are optimists…
There are numerous stories of people who transformed their lives. Rising from poverty and despair, they managed to achieve their full human potential. Their hearts kept an unyielding belief that they must develop, move on, and take longer steps then others along the path to their craving. Harmony is firmly rooted in their souls; that feeling that every single small step brings them closer to the final goal. Unfortunately (or luckily), the world is designed in such a way that knowing peace and harmony requires first going through evil, deprivation, lack of meaning, humiliation. Harmonious persons are persistent and always on the search…
The most successful people I know are exceptionally modest. They believe that one shouldn’t make much noise and that giving oneself airs and graces is unattractive. Whenever we do something that fits our calling, it’s important to be the best versions of ourselves. That takes creativity, a not-spare-myself attitude, and not looking for a balm to soothe one’s ego in exchange. “One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of a need to prove something to someone“, said great Nelson Mandela. Harmonious persons are modest…
Harmony cannot thrive on mean and vile souls that are full of hatred and envy toward other people’s success. A person unable to feel gratitude and admiration is an egotist and his or her ego makes them unhappy. Their souls are shrunken; they neither give nor take. Harmonious persons are grateful…
Once harmony is firmly established in our hearts, the world starts to change. Suddenly, life gives us the green light to live it in a fulfilling way. Today’s day is effortless, we feel only love, aspirations and empathy. How is this possible, if all we did was to be a little more optimistic, persistent and ever seeking, modest and grateful? Because today I made up my mind to lend my soul a helping hand.